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Monday, September 28, 2015

The SEO And User Science Behind Long-Form Content

Nobody wants to read long pages of content on the internet, right? Columnist John Lincoln disagrees, providing compelling evidence that this type of content not only gets read, but also ranks and converts well.

Are you struggling to rank some keywords that should be easy? Are you having trouble attracting an audience to your site, even though you think you’re offering some great information? If so, then maybe you should consider adding more long-form content.
To put it succinctly, long-form content can make you look like more of an expert in your field, increase the likelihood of engagement and sharing, improve your search engine results page (SERP) rank, and increase your audience; because of your content, you will be viewed as an “authority” on the subject. All of that works to your benefit and translates to better brand awareness.

What Is Long-Form Content?

Long-form content is variously defined throughout the Interweb. However, the consensus is pretty clear on one point: If you’re just looking to get past a 500-word mark so that the search engines take notice of your content, then you’re not publishing long-form content.
My personal rule of thumb is that anything less than 1,200 words isn’t long-form content. I’d advise to aim for over 1,500 words, since 1,200 is (in my opinion) the minimum. That way, you’ll have a competitive advantage with the extra cushion.
But why not go all in? Set a goal of 2,000 words for your long-form content. I haven’t published a post less than 1,000 words for some time. I am generally going for 1,500 to 7,000 words now.

A Recently Recognized Benefit

The benefits of long-form content in the digital sphere have only recently begun to gain recognition. Believe it or not, it was long believed that digital long-form content was a bad idea:
When readers started moving to the internet, media analysts thought long-form journalism was in trouble. Attention spans were going to shrivel. Readers wanted short, they wanted snappy, they wanted 140 characters and not much more (though a listicle on the side couldn’t hurt). Who would want to scroll through an 8,000-word article on an iPhone screen?
Naomi Sharp
Many are now realizing that the inevitable “death” of long-form content was greatly exaggerated, and digital marketers are discovering that long-form content is extremely valuable for both users and search engines alike.

The SEO Benefit

The exact algorithm that Google uses to determine which pages should go straight to the top of the SERPs for a given query is, of course a mystery (at least, it is to everyone outside of a certain corporate headquarters in Mountain View, California).
However, curious engineers can tinker and experiment — as much as the search engines will allow them — to gain some insight about what ranks well.

Long-Form Content Ranks Very Well

Back in 2012, serpIQ conducted a study involving more than 20,000 keywords. The results showed that the average content length of each of the top 10 results was more than 2,000 words. The average number of words for the content in the #1 spot was 2,416. For the #10 spot, the average number of words was 2,032.
That evidence is fairly conclusive. If you want your articles to rank well, consider using long-form content.
serp iq content length

Google Says So

The theory that long-form content benefits search engine optimization (SEO) is corroborated by a hint that’s been dropped on the Google Webmasters Central Blog. Pandu Nayak, technical staff member at Google and creator of the Panda algorithm update, posted the following:
Users often turn to Google to answer a quick question, but research suggests that up to 10% of users’ daily information needs involve learning about a broad topic. That’s why today we’re introducing new search results to help users find in-depth articles.
That’s a very suggestive hint that long-form content tends to rank well. Nayak also advised webmasters to use markupauthorship markup (the rich snippet for which has since disappeared from search results) and provide information about the company’s logo when producing long-form content as a way to further increase the likelihood of a good ranking.

Long-Form Content Garners More Backlinks, On Average

Not only do the search engines seem to intrinsically love long content, but you’ll find an additional SEO benefit from writing a couple of thousand words: more backlinks. Of course, those additional backlinks will help you rank with the SERPs, as well.
A study conducted by Moz shows a direct correlation between the length of the content and the number of backlinks pointing to it. It’s further evidence that long-form content is great for SEO.

Still, Only Death And Taxes Are Guaranteed

Before you trot back to your content management system with this newfound knowledge, thinking with certainty that if you speed-type 2,078 words about how to lose 50 pounds in six weeks you’re going to be in the #1 spot on Google’s search results, keep in mind that you’re not guaranteed to rank well just because you use long-form content.
The fact of the matter is that the search engine algorithms look at a lot of factors. I could, of course, go on about all the factors, but that is not really what this post is about.
Still, all else being equal, quality long-form content should increase the likelihood that you’ll rank for relevant terms. And that’s what it’s really all about, isn’t it?
Ranking your content for a particular keyword is a probability game. You increase your odds with long-form content. That’s the only promise here.

Long-Form Content Can Increase Conversion Rates

If you’re operating a blog that issues some type of call-to-action, whether you’re looking to build your email list or sell something, then you’ll find that long-form content can play a role in your conversion rate.

A Classic Study

There’s a classic case study that demonstrates the effectiveness of long-form content in generating more conversions. Highrise Marketing wanted to increase signups with its website. The company contracted out the conversion process to a couple of professionals who engaged in some split testing. They found that the home page with long-form content saw an increase in conversion rate of more than 37 percent.
longform content increase in conversions
Similarly, Crazy Egg saw its conversion rate increase by more than 30 percent with the use of long-form content. In that case, the longer-form content was about 20 times the length of its shorter counterpart.
According to the Crazy Egg blog: “The media would have us believe that people no longer have any capacity to concentrate. In reality, you cannot have a page that’s too long — only one that’s too boring. In the case of Crazy Egg’s home page, visitors wanted their many questions answered and that’s what we delivered.”
Crazy Egg also produced a guide to creating long-form content that increases your conversion rate.

There’s Nothing New Under The Sun

It’s not just in the digital era that long-form content works in marketing. You might be old enough to remember receiving direct mail solicitations that were pages long. Marketing professionals found that wordy pitches yielded better results.
For example, famous advertiser David Ogilvy once said: “All my experience says that for a great many products, long copy sells more than short… [A]dvertisements with long copy convey the impression that you have something important to say, whether people read the copy or not.”
In that assessment, Ogilvy is backed up by Dr. Charles Edwards, former dean of the Graduate School of Retailing at New York University. He’s quoted as saying: “The more facts you tell, the more you sell. An advertisement’s chance for success invariably increases as the number of pertinent merchandise facts included in the advertisement increases.”
In his book, Tested Advertising Methods, John Caples writes: “Advertisers who can trace the direct sales results from their ads use long copy because it pulls better than short copy… Brief, reminder-style copy consisting of a few words or a slogan does not pull inquiries as well as long copy packed with facts and reader benefits about your product or service.”
That “longer is better” principle seems to hold true in online venues, as well as old-school advertising. If you’re having trouble with a site that’s giving you a stubbornly low conversion rate, employ some long-form content on the site, and see if that makes a difference.

Social Media Hearts Long-Form Content

One of the best ways to draw in a large audience and increase engagement, as well as conversions, is to create content that’s shareable on social media. Long-form content has historically outperformed its shorter content little brother in that metric, as well.
Neil Patel conducted an experiment with some of his own content on Quick Sprout, a blog that offers tips for digital marketers. Patel found that out of 327 blog posts he wrote, the posts under 1,500 words received an average of 174 tweets and 59 Facebook likes. The content that was over 1,500 words, on the other hand, received an average of 293 tweets and 75 likes.
That’s just one example, but it was enough to persuade Patel himself that there’s social media value in long-form content.
longform content social media shares
As many of you know, I run a popular blog on our agency’s site known as Ignite Visibility University. After analyzing the posts, I was able to determine that when looking at our top 20 posts, 16 of them were over 1,000 words, one of them was over 800 and the remaining three were on very niche technical topics that almost no one had written on.
NewsWhip also found that long-form content is the most shareable. The company noticed that one of the most widely shared articles in its study was a transcribed speech by author Neil Gaiman about the importance of reading. That article contained a whopping 3,535 words and was shared more than 220,000 times.

Tips On Long-Form Content

When it comes time for you to produce long-form content, here are a few tips you might find helpful.

All Content Shouldn’t Be Long-Form Content

Even though long-form content is a great way to establish your site as an authority on a particular subject and to help you rank better, you shouldn’t publish everything as long-form content. Some subjects don’t require lengthy content.
For example, if you’d like to share a viral video on your website that you think will draw in an audience, there’s no reason that you need to post 2,000 words explaining the video. For those types of articles, follow Shakespeare’s maxim and recognize that brevity is the soul of wit.

Avoid The Middle

In fact, it seems you’re better off using content that’s one extreme or the other in terms of length. Either use very short content that can be quickly digested by members of a busy society or use long-form content that’s considered the “go to” source for a specific subject.
According to Kevin Delaney, the editor-in-chief of business news site Quartz, articles that range between 500 and 800 words are least likely to be successful. As a result, he’s encouraged either short form or long-form content — but nothing in between.

Remember: Quality Over Quantity

Keep in mind that while it may be tempting to sacrifice quality for an excessively verbal article, you should resist the urge to do that. Your readers won’t appreciate a great deal of “fluff” in your articles just to meet a word count. That, to me, is the worst thing to do.
Also, if you try to rush through a long-form piece to save some time, you might end up with an excessive number of typos and grammatical errors. The search engines may notice that and penalize your site accordingly. That was one of the hardest things for me to learn, because I like to create content so quickly. But it is better to be patient.

You Can Make Long-Form Content A Quick Read

If you’re interested in appealing to the ADD and/or busy set with your long-form content, you can do that.
For starters, use subheadings to make your content scannable. You’re reading long-form content right now, and yet you’ll find that it’s easy to digest the important points quickly because of the headings.
Also, consider offering a summary of your article at the very top. This is the “Daily Mail” approach, and it’s a fantastic way to give your readers a chance to get the gist of your article without reading the whole thing. Just click on any article at The Daily Mail, and you’ll see a bullet-point summary of the piece at the top.
Finally, also consider breaking up the monotony of a long-form article with images. It’s best to use relevant images specific to the subject of the article. However, it’s also great to use memes whenever possible because they add humor to the content and allow people to get a quick sense about the content of a subsection.
longform content daily mail

Listicles Win

If you’re having trouble producing long-form content because you’re typically a very concise writer, consider producing a listicle. That’s an article that’s also a list (think BuzzFeed), such as “23 Reasons to Love the Caribbean.”
You’ll find that long-form content almost magically appears when you’re writing a listicle, and it’s easy to hit that 2,000-word mark. You’ll also have the benefit of creating content that’s very scannable and friendly to busy people.

Wrapping It Up

If you’re looking for a tactic to get a struggling website off the ground, and you haven’t yet created any long-form content, why not give it a try today? You’ll likely find that you reach a wider audience and establish the site as an authority on a particular subject. That, in turn, is going to build brand awareness online.
But keep in mind, long-form content still needs distribution, a keyword strategy and a great title — otherwise it won’t get you there.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Competitive Backlink Analysis and SEO Link Auditing

Backlink Analysis

Competitive SEO Backlinks Analysis
SEO Link Audit

A link audit is an in-depth analysis that allows us to emphasise on a certain aspect of link building, and it helps us detect problems or opportunities in terms of backlinks. For instance, the link anchor text distribution is an aspect of a link audit.
Like any other onsite SEO audit, link audits are an essential part of the offsite SEO process. Link audits may include various link building components which constitute overall the link audit process. Indicatively some of these components are:
  • Backlink analysis
  • Backlink competitor analysis
  • Anchor text distribution/analysis
  • Broken link building strategy
  • Guest posting
  • Link relevancy
  • Site-wide distribution etc.
Which tools to use?
One of the most effective tools for in-depth link audits is Ahrefs. The case in point, for this post we will emphasise on the backlink competitors’ analysis and particularly on the:
  • Anchor text distribution/diversity,
  • Type of backlinks (URLs linking to our site) – backlink competitor analysis
  • Type of links (dofollow or nofollow)

Anchor text distribution/diversity

Anchor text and distribution is a particularly important factor when it comes to the backlink competitor analysis. It is important to know in advance that the anchor text diversity is important when you want to know in which long tail keywords you want to rank higher on search engine results.
As general best practices, when you review the anchor text distribution of your backlinks or your competitors’ backlinks, bear in mind:
  • Make sure that there’s diversity amongst anchor text. If only one anchor text is repeated (e.g “seo services uk”), it’s an obvious attempt of the link builder to manipulate search engine results by submitting the site in various directory submission sites. Search engine spiders are very sophisticated and they are able to detect such kind of manipulative methods.
  • Deep linking – Apart from diversified anchor text that will be pointing to your anchor text, it is important to use diverse anchor text that will be pointing to the other pages of your site (deep linking), as in this way the PageRank juice will be transferred to the other pages of your site.

Link Audit – Backlink Competitor Analysis

One of the most straightforward and effective backlink analysis tools (for link audits) especially for backlink competitor analysis is Ahrefs. Link builders can get plethora of data either for their own backlinks or for their competitors. Some of the indicative data for which you can have access are:
  • New backlinks acquired or backlinks that were lost (within a period of day, or even 3 months ago)
  • Anchor text distribution etc.
Backlink Competitor analysis
The backlink analysis can be very enlightening for the link builder as he can identify which of his competitors implement black hat, grey hat or (ideally) white hat techniques.  The backlink competitor analysis can be segmented into two parts, which of course include many other steps.
STEP 1 – Overview
So let’s assume that’s we are performing a backlink competitor analysis and we see this sudden huge spike on the backlink overview from our competitor.
Spike on referring pages starting from 1st Nov
Spike on referring pages starting from 1st Nov
This sudden spike can be a result of natural link building. For example if the content team of this website writes a high quality post and this post is shared via StumbleUpon then this sudden spike is perfectly justifiable. However, on the other hand somebody would assume that this sudden increase is a result of unnatural link building but definitely it is something that worth further investigation.
Another indicator for an effective backlink competitor analysis is the use of the Anchors Cloud (as you see from the screenshot below).
Anchors Cloud helps to analyse competitor's backlink work
Anchors Cloud gives an insight on competitor’s backlink work
Once you see high percentage for such kind of non-branded terms, someone can assume that it can be a result of unnatural link building. As a link builder if you want to know more by going to the ‘’Anchors’’ you will be able to find in more details the source (the destination URLs) of these anchor texts.
STEP 2 – In-depth analysis
Once you have a full overview of your competitors’ backlinks (as described above)you can evaluate more in-depth the quality of their backlinks that can help you adopt some of their link building approaches (only the white hat techniques).
The importance of the in-depth analysis lies on the important fact that you easily detect if your competitors follow grey/black or white hat techniques.
By selecting ‘’Anchors’’, and then by clicking ‘’Domains’’ on the anchor text that you wish to review, you can see the number of referring domains which concerns ‘’the total count of the backlinks starting from those with the biggest number of links’’.
By clicking on the ‘’Snippets’’, you can also see the destination URL where this anchor text comes from. The anchor text actually indicates the clickable part of the text that directs users to the page of the site.
It is very important to note the various types of anchor texts that you are going to notice in this analysis, including:
  • Naked anchor text: The URL only can be defined as a naked anchor text
  • Hybrid anchor text: It means that it’s a combination of a branded and non-branded term. Ideally you can create a hybrid anchor text that can be even more targeted.
  • Exact match anchor text(preferred) : It means that the anchor text is targeted by using a non-branded term that actually describes accurately the services of a website.
In case you notice a very high amount backlinks pointing to one type of anchor text, it is most likely that your competitor is following unnatural link building practices. Once you select the destination URL you will be able to see quality of the URL and that points to your competitor’s site.
If the directory submission sites are niche then it’s considered as good link building practice. However if you find a directory submission site, e.g. (and the backlink you want to get is about your marketing agency), then it will carry no significant SEO value for your site.
Guest Posting – Apart from questionable SEO practices that you can detect through the use of Ahrefs, you can identify high quality websites, blogs, or niche directory submission sites, from which your competitors get a backlink and you can also see if these high quality backlinks transfer any link juice to your site (‘’nofollow’’ attribute or ‘’dofollow’’) .
Once you detect these high quality websites or blogs you can easily log these sites in your database and contact webmasters in order to provide high quality posts, which is a purely legitimate and white hat SEO practice.

In a nutshell

By following the process above you can identify from each competitor:
  • The kind of SEO techniques they are using (black hat or white hat SEO).
  • First indication can be given by the Anchors Cloud. For in-depth analysis you can refer to Anchors.
  • The type of anchor texts they are using and what kind of site-wide distribution these links have throughout the website.
  • What kind of sites the competitors are using for their backlink acquisition process.
  • Which of these backlinks have the dofollow or the nofollow attribute?
  • Start using some of the backlinks that they are using, as long as they are of high quality.
Are there any methods that you are implementing for your backlink competitor analysis using Ahrefs? I am looking forward to hearing your sharing in the comment section.